Why Supporting Local Businesses Supports You Too
We’ve all heard the craze around supporting local businesses. Buy local, they say, eat local, they shout, go local, they promote. But sometimes buying locally can be difficult—whether in price, availability or convenience. Still, choosing community businesses actually can be worthwhile, and even worth advocating. When it comes to supporting local business, there’s more to…
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by Going Green
St. Patrick’s day is this week, which means green is everywhere—green clothes, green decorations, even green food. But the biggest question is: are you going green? Now more than ever, our Earth is under stress from the pollution, waste and harmful chemicals humans release into the environment. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by taking simple steps…
Show Support for Women’s History Month
Throughout history, remarkable women have worked to overcome stereotypes, discrimination and even violence, in order to further women’s advancement and build greater generations for the future. The month of March recognizes these women’s sacrifices, and celebrates the strong women of our past who laid the foundation for the strong women of our future. This Women’s…